Create your own rapidshare custom serach engine

Okay first of all, for those who don’t know: what is an Google Custom SE?
It’s a search engine, a search that you can create from Google.

How does it work?

Well, you submit the sites in it, and you can search only in those websites. (can be very handy if you want to make a search engine for yourself ).

Steps ~

Create your own Rapidshare SE, this way you can easily find files to download.

1. Go to


3. Enter the fields (search engine name, search engine description, search engine
keywords, select the language, select “only sites I select”, enter the websites in
the field where you have to enter the websites, in this case only, select “standard edition”, select “I have read and agreed…”, click on next

4. Click now on FINISH

You will now come on the page: MY SEARCH ENGINES
Click on control panel

5. Click on CODE, enter in the field “specify search results details”, the URL of your search engine page, e.g this one created by my friend long ago for a friend ~ .

6. Put the “search box code” where you want the search bar to appear

7. Put the “search results code” in the search engine page, in this case “search.html”

Well, that’s all. You’re finished.

You can always put more websites or remove sites via “Sites”, there are a few more buttons. You can always check it out and play with it to make your SE more better.
*** don't add mediafire to search files , it don't allow search . ***